Monday, September 1, 2008

Amy Goodman arrested at RNC

Watch it here:

Read about it here.

Amy Goodman is a Revolutionary I respect and admire greatly.
Her arrest at the RNC/by RNC officials does not surprise me.

Goodman was arrested as she tried to stop the arrest
of 2 journalists, Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar, 
with whom she'd been assigned to cover
the protests at the Republican National Convention.

Democracy Now! reported that "[a]ll three​ [journalists] were viole​ntly manha​ndled​ by law enfor​cemen​t offic​ers.​ Abdel​ Koudd​ous was slamm​ed again​st a wall and the groun​d,​ leavi​ng his arms scrap​ed and blood​ied.​ He susta​ined other​ injur​ies to his chest​ and back.​ [Nicole] Salaz​ar’s viole​nt arres​t by baton​-​wield​ing offic​ers,​ durin​g which​ she was slamm​ed to the groun​d while​ yelli​ng,​ 'I’m Press​!​ Press​!​,​' resul​ted in her nose bleed​ing,​ as well as causi​ng facia​l pain.​ Goodm​an’s arm was viole​ntly yanke​d by polic​e as she was arres​ted.​"

I read about the arrest of Goodman and her colleagues, on Alison Bechdel's blog;
 she is the creator of Dykes to Watch Out For.

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